Business Telephone Sales sells Avaya Partner Phones and Avaya Partner Phone Accessories at the Lowest Prices. The Partner Phones listed below can have 1of 3 logos incuding AT&T, Lucent, and Avaya. The Avaya Partner phones can be mixed and matched. If you are currently using Partner MLS phones and you like the way the "Euro" style phones look such as the Partner 34D, it will work on your system. The only exception to this is if you are using the older Partner 206 stand alone modules and have a release below a 2.0 which does not support Avaya Partner display phones. Any Partner Processor 3.0 or higher (whether it be Partner Plus, Partner II or Partner ACS) will support all display phones.
All Avaya Partner phones are refurbished, and must be used on an Avaya Partner Telephone System. They cannot be used as standalone telephones. All Partner Phones come with a new handset cord, new line cord, and handset.